
Showing posts from June, 2021

Error in Chain Survey

  Errors in linear Managements(Chain survey) A.   On the basis of source of error:   Instrumental error  Personal error  natural error 1.  Instrumental error:  Error which occurs due to faulty adjustment or imperfection of the instrument with which the measurement is being taken is known as instrumental error. It can be eliminated or minimized by adopting suitable procedures and by applying proper correction and adjustment.     For Eg.  :   If the tape used in measurement of distance is actually 30.10 m long where as nominal length is 30 m, the error occurs because of the imperfect tape called instrumental error.   2.  Personal error:  The personal error occurs due to human limitation , fault such as sense of sight and touch.the errors occurs for want of perfection of human sight while taking observation or for want of perfection of touch while manipulating the instrument. For Eg.  :  A distance of 1.444 m may be estimated as 1.445 m  or 1.443 m. 3.  Natural error:  The error which ari